1st Battle Scout Group

Welcome to our 1st Battle Scout Group. We have a full and active Beaver Colony (age 6-8 years), Cub Pack (age 8 – 10.5 years) and Scout Troop (age 10.5 – 14 years). Our Explorer age members (14+ years) are able to join in with any of the District units. We accept both boys and girls into our Group. If you would like to register your child’s interest in one of our Sections please contact the Group Scout Leader.


Our Beaver Colony meets once a month on a Saturday. Our Beavers take part in a fun balanced programme of activities working towards the Chief Scout Bronze award – the highest a Beaver can gain. Types of activities have included in the past – a nature walk in the Battle Great Woods, rounders on the recreation ground, toasting marshmallows over a fire, a trip to the local fire station, K’Nex construction challenges, bug hunting, blackberry picking, simple first aid, a sleepover, parties, numerous craft activities and lots and lots of fun games.


Our Cub Pack meets on a Friday during school term time. Our Cubs are encouraged to learn some new skills while having fun and they work towards the Chief Scout Silver award. Types of activities have included in the past – simple map work following a route around Battle Great Woods, visiting the lifeboat station in Hastings, team games on the recreation ground, constructing and flying a small hot air balloon, cooking sausages over a fire, ironing their neckerchief, more first aid, short camping trips, parties, craft activities and of course lots of games.


Our Scout Troop meets on a Friday during school term time. Our Scouts are encouraged to be more independent, they also learn to take part in and lead small teams while working towards the Chief Scout Gold award. Types of activities have included in the past – orienteering challenge in Battle Great Wood, community service, bag packing, photo treasure hunt around town, pioneering benches and catapults, backwoods cooking, assessing a (pretend!) accident scene and using their first aid skills, laser quest party and still we play lots of games. As well as the weekly meetings there are also additional opportunities to take part in a variety of activities such as night hikes, camps and expeditions, water activities, shooting and archery.


All of our activities, fundraising and management of the Group are undertaken by volunteers – mainly parents but not exclusively. We always need new adults prepared to help out a little to enable us to provide the opportunities to the young people that we do.
If you are able to get involved in any way with our Scout Group, whether helping occasionally at a meeting, training to be a leader, help us tackle the admin, generate fundraising ideas, clean our camp equipment or are happy to simply make us a cup of tea when we need it most, please contact the Group Scout Leader for a chat. Thank you!